Saturday, August 21, 2010


What is happening to marriages today?

Is it slowly becoming extinct?

What's your opinion?Marriage!!!?
I know - Im not sure whats happening but it seems like more and more people dont see marriage as necessary - they'd rather just ride out the relationship for as long as it goes without having to actually commit themselves to anyone. Sure some of them might be scared of divorce or whatever but I think most people are just selfish and greedy and dont want to be tied to anyone or anything in case someone else catches their fancy.Marriage!!!?
i don't know here in Zurich not a lot of people getting married,

specially tax is very high.

some marriage doesn't work out because they marry the wrong person.
My opinion is that families and friends do not support the marriage when it hits hard times. Instead of trying to counsel the couple into compromises and ways to work out their differences, they counsel them into running down to the courthouse and filing for divorce. They egg on disputes by trying to get one of the spouses to ';get one up on the spouse before the spouse gets one up on you.';

My philosophy is, ';One marriage at a time.'; If someone comes to me talking divorce or having marital problems, I steer them towards a solution, talking it out with their spouse. I don't counsel them in filing for divorce.

Maybe, instead of worrying about staying together for the kids, people should start thinking about staying together for the marriage.
The problem is not marriage but people have forgotten Gods laws.
I think it's a sad statement about our society. 50% of marriages end in divorce and in my opinion it's because there is a lack of commitment. As soon as things get tough, financially or otherwise, they divorce or cheat. I just don't get it. People seem to like the idea of marriage but they're not willing to invest the time and energy to work through the rough times and stick together through everything as a partnership. I think people should really think about what marriage really is before they jump into it. It is a lifelong commitment to love, respect and cherish each other, through sickness and health in good times and bad. It seems like women are more into planning the wedding than they are into living the rest of their lives with their partner. Men seem to be more and more afraid of commitment because for some reason they think they're life ends when they get married. I am thankful to be happily married to my best friend and we can get through anything together.
I'd marry my Ian, but he isn't divorced yet!!! Going through it. xxx
People just have different opinions of marriage nowadays. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I've been married for 12 years now - not always been great. had our ups and downs but we are still together.... Perhaps too easy to get out of now. My great grandmother and grandfather had been married for almost 60 years, had 10 kids and still held hands in the back of the car together - now how great is that..... Never met my great-grandfather but have great memories of my great-grandmother and boy am I proud of her.
i would not do it again.
well i been married for 5 years and when i got married i told my hubby this is for ever no matter what and he agrees with me totally he is in for the long haul! we made that clear from the getty and we have had some bad times very bad times but we pulled through and will continue to go strong :)
People don't respect marriage like they used to. The family unit once was the most important unit in any society, it's not so anymore. People don't see marriage as a partnership (read question below ';Is it fair?'; as a great example of that), and they view it as a convenient way to have sex and someone to spend time with. When that gets old, they move on. People have gotten inherently selfish, thinking that life is all about them (the ';ME'; generation), and a successful marriage is built on trust and selfLESSness. Selfishness will kill most marriages. People also view marriage as outdated, and will say stuff like ';you don't need a piece of paper to make a committment.'; Well, yes you do. There is something about standing before people and saying ';I do'; that makes it stronger than just living together, that's why divorce is much more difficult than just ';breaking up.'; Until this thought that is prevalent in society is changed, marriages will slowly become extinct, and I hope I'm long gone from this earth when that happens.
Everyone now a days wants something for nothing. Marriage is easier to walk away from then to stay and fight. Atleast you can weed out the bad ones, sad it has to be this way, but atleast hopefully in the end you find a winner. Unlike the poor sap that got tied up! You KNOW?
This is just my opinion but the think the whole nature of relationships has changed on a cosmic or universal level. I think the change started about 25 years ago. At one time people were expected by society to get married and stay married. Some companies wouldn't even hire unmarried men, feeling they were irresponsible. There was also social, family and religious pressure to stay together no matter what. There was also only a small pool of partners to choose from and sex was not so easily available. That's all different now, especially with the advent of the internet. It opens the whole world up to people that they'd meet people the would never normally meet. So when some little thing bothers them in a relationship or something goes wrong, rather than work it out, just find someone else. People are putting more energy into careers than relationships, people are opting not to have children. Plus, without the societal pressure, people feel there is no need to stay in a situation that no longer is satisfying. In the past men had to get married to have consistant sex when society and religion put pressure on women to stay 'chaste' until they were married, and there was much more social scandal on porn, clubs and the like. Now there is an increase in alternative relationships which I think will increase in the future: cohabitation, long distance marriages/relationships, polyamorous relationships, gay families, etc.

Yes, I feel marriage as well have known it is becoming extint.
Well, as much as I used to like the idea when I was younger and thought I would get married, the thing is that times change and as long as there are the same rights, it's a lot less complicated..
It's just too easy to get out of a marriage these days. It is becoming more and more socially acceptable to get a divorce. It used to be a negative social stigma to be divorced but not anymore. People don't have to put as much thought and effort into a marriage because they know that they can get out of it just as easily as they got in. If they're not happy...';Hey, I'll just get a divorce';.

I would know, I do divorce papers all day long! My job is very sad sometimes.....
no matter if it is endangered or extincted.but its real and the most sacred way of starting conjugals
Don't buy into the hype. Marriage is STILL a wonderful way to express your love and dedication to someone by making a lifetime commitment.

The problem is people are marrying unhealthily. What I mean is people are making life long commitments without taking the time they need to get to know the other person to build trust, understand how the person deals with money, family, friends, etc and just getting to know the other person's character. Then other times people are not willing to work on their own issues. If you have issues within yourself and you continue to avoid them your marriage will be impacted and the relationship will eventually sour.

We all know that the dating relationship can be somewhat superficial because most of us are on our best behavior. It takes time to really get to know a person so that you can accurately assess your compatibility. In addition, sometimes people do not continue to work on their relationships after they get married. This will also cause the marriage to eventually sour.

But, statistically people who are happily married live longer, deal with stress better and generally have more stability and vitality. So, don't believe the propaganda! Marriage is still a viable option for some.
';learning lady'; is so right with what she said. Also the lack of Commitment, ( throw away rather than repair)

by one or both parties. '; Some choose to ditch there spouse for the 1st opportunity for meaningless sex!!!
i waited until i was in my 30's to get married. i have seen friends from high school go through up to 3 marriages! i didn't want to be like them. my mother married for the second time when she was 28 and she's still married today. i wanted to make the wiser choices that i could live with in the future. so i waited.

there are alot of people that think marriage is an outdated concept. but i don't think so. i feel more secure in my marriage than i ever felt in my other relationships. i know that we won't split up over one or two stupid fights. there's a determination to stick it out that was never there before. there's a dedication to each other that i never felt anybody have with me before.

call me a traditionalist, but i think that the people who scorn marriage are really missing out on something wonderful. i feel sorry for them.
I do not know if marriage is coming close to extinction, but in any case divorce is booming.
A certain topic has come up that has been on my mind quite frequently over the past few days. This topic is; the validity of the belief that God creates humans specifically for each other. I.e. Bob for Grace and Tom for Judy. The idea that when God made you, He had one specific other person that He made for you, and you for them.

The predominant counter belief is that there are ';kinds'; or ';types'; of people that God created to work well together. And that鈥檚 as good as it gets. I could write many paragraphs on why all the other theories are wrong, but I will try to refrain and stick to my own beliefs. the Other counter question that I have heard is; ';...if Bob lived his life horribly, sleeping around, dating around and ultimately marrying a likewise horrible person and Grace lived her life in God's presence saving herself for the one she was made for. But misses out because if Bob... how could God let that happen? How is that fair?'; Well, its not, but I feel as if I am getting ahead of myself.

Let鈥檚 start here. To understand where I come from, a couple assumptions must be made. A. God exists and He created everything in nature; from flowers to mountains to human beings. And every intricate detail was His idea and His plan. B. God is perfect. He knows everything before it happened. He knew that we, His creations, would reject Him and in turn have to pay the price. But He also thought of the ';back up plan'; that we are living in now. Thanks to His son.

So with that said, these are my arguments. Like I said, God is perfect and His plans are perfect. Ephesians 1:11 says ';In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,'; I don't believe God has plans that are open ended. Most people would agree with that. So why would I assume He doesn't have a very specific person in mind for me? He ';works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will!';

Second, is this. If you look in creation, there are so many pictures of Christ's intent for us. If you were to look in the Bible, you should notice the picture of a Bride and Bridegroom used a couple times. I think this is no mistake. Christ refers to us as His bride, and He our bridegroom. We are to be spotless, and set apart for HIM AND HIM ALONE. Not Buddha or the Dalai Llama or John Smith or Muhammad. To see Christ go to such great heights to show us this picture is interesting to me. I think I cheat Him to cut His involvement in my future marriage down to just Him, blessing two of His creations that happened to find each other and work well together.

This leaves a question. If my belief is indeed right, then how does the whole Bob and Grace thing work out? How is it fair? And why does Grace have to pay for Bob's mistakes? There are no easy answers. The fact is we live in a world where innocent people reap the pain and suffering of other's mistakes everyday. The best example is 9/11. Or how about that guy who drinks way too much at the bar, and tries to drive home, and in the process, killing an expectant mother and leaving a reeling twenty-something year old widower? We live in a sinful, fallen world. Life's not fair. So why should relationships be? If you think about it though, We as Christ followers are living out God's back-up plan. God's original intent is clearly seen in the beginning of creation. Adam walked openly with Christ in the Garden. An unhindered, unashamed and unsecretive relationship and communion with Him. That is His creation as He intended! We all know we don't live there anymore, and God's son ended up dying to commence God's back up plan. And what a wonderfully, potentially fulfilling, joyful, peaceful existence! So my question is why can't He give Grace or anyone else who missed out on their perfect mate a blessed life beyond anyone鈥檚 wildest dreams?

So, in conclusion, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that perfect matches exist.

Just my jumbled thoughts. Cheers.
No, marriages are well and happy and healthy.

People are entering into marriage with the idea that their partners have to fill all of their needs, be everything they want and have no traits they don't want in a mate.

It's that simple.

Just ask any of your single 30 year old or 35 year old friend why they broke up with their last 10 mates and you will find out that you have some pretty shallow friends.

After you hear their reasons, ask them if they would want to marry anyone who would evaluate them they way they have evaluated others.

It's sad. I know a woman who refers to her ex marriage as the most horrific experience of her life, something so dark and evil she cries when she thinks about it.

She married him for security, had his baby because he promised to buy her a brand new sports car, and divorced him because he wanted more sex from her than she was willing to give him.

Then, when they were in court, he had her mercedes (the baby gift) removed from the parking lot and he sold it. That was the horrific part.

People are idiots. They think the world revolves around them and they aren't willing to even consider that the person sitting across from them at the breakfast table is more than just a face, but is really a person with a heart and feelings and needs and desires and dreams, just like you are.

But, I see people every day in my line of work, who believe they are the only people in the world.

Just don't be one of those people and maybe you can inspire others to be like you.

I know I am my husband's biggest fan, after 23 years and 5 of the rockiest first years together of any I have ever heard about.

But, a heart match can survive if the mind is willing to stop thinking about what's fair, what are your rights, equality, standing your ground.

You want to be right or you want to be happy? It's a choice most people don't realize they make when they pass judgment on their spouse and dump them in the belief that that they can do better. They don't realize that 'better' might want someone a little more willing to be part of a union, for life, good or bad, come what may.

Those are the words that bind.

If people would just give eachother permission to argue and know that no matter what, divorce was out of the question, they would get through it and find that every couple years, you fall madly and deeply back in love with your spouse, if that is what you look to do.
ya its sad. people don't value marriage as much as they should. it's decaying society. it should be harder for people to get divorced. people get divorved at the drop of a hat nowadays.
Marriage suck because nobody is getting married for the right reasons. Everyone started getting married just because a friend getting and they cheating on each other.
I think that people get married just for the big ceremony and the cake. After the wedding, they don't want to have to do the work involved to keep up a relationship. Everyone is so self-centered nowadays.
I do not think they are becoming extinct. I think some cultures are changing what marriage is and how it fits into their overall family structures.

I think humans have realized that they're not the ';one person only'; type of creature.
No they are not!
I value my marriage. Have been wed 18 years and am still happy and in love.

Marriage is not the same anymore though as it's too easy to get divorces these days.
Tell me about it Superman maybe you should change your profession lol I'm working hard on mine to keep it alive and kicking not like our parents. tho they are still married and dead its sad , told hubby we best never get that way told him to shoot me and put me out the the pasture if that ever happens lol
Should have become extinct long ago.

You do not need a certificate or ring to be faithfull.

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