Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you think that there is a crisis regarding Family and Marriage?How is the condition in Turkiye?

In Europe the divorce rates are really high (alomost 1 divorce every 3 marriages)

In Greece things are better but not good enough (divorcing rate is almost 20%)

How do you feel about this?

What may be the reasons for it?Do you think that there is a crisis regarding Family and Marriage?How is the condition in Turkiye?
I want to touch on a different aspect. Low divorce rates don't necessarily mean that people are happy in their marriages. Traditionally, Turkish women are very submissive, and they don't have much of a choice. They don't even accept that they're unhappy. They accept things as they are, and they think they're born to make their husband happy. So, divorce rates maybe telling us something about the role of women too.Do you think that there is a crisis regarding Family and Marriage?How is the condition in Turkiye?
Thank you all!

ps. Tanju aferin! very soon you ll be able to talk Greek! hehe and I ll respond in turkish ;)tamam?

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I wish I'll marry only once too :D

Good luck!

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Tamam Tolia, just you can teach me. :-)

I can learn, I hope :-)

I am also wish Good Luck both of you.

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EU divorce rate is % 40 now.

In 1990's

Greek % 6.9

Spain % 4.8,

Italy % 4.7,

US % 4.57

Germany % 2.04,

Turkey % 0.47

Yes you are right. Divorce rating of the world is getting higher.

I think we begin to eat up everything too fast.

20 years ago I bought a cola - box , but I could not trow it to the garbage. I cut it and put my pencils in it. Every thing , even a cola box has a value at that days.

But now. Nothing has any value even a dimond ring :)
i think in Turkey women unemployed rate is higher than UK or other European countries. and i know many woman not confident to get divorce for this reason. some uneducated people would look divorced woman with dirty eye so it would cut down divorce rate too. that's what i think.
Society is changing. It is not as simple as women working, gaining their economic rights, etc. The production systems and produce has changed from agricultural to industrial. You needed a large and extended family to have and govern large lands, but you don't need a family to establish and run a business. On the contrary, today's business world discourages family life.

I cannot say I have solved the riddle, as I am not a sociologist, but these give me a hint.

In Turkey, we are still in favor of families. Our women would rather get married and have children, than have careers. We are lucky, because the Western world will be a case study for our social decisions. I'd say, shorter and more flexible working hours, home offices would encourage women who want to work and have families at the same time. God knows, it works for me.
I just don't want to divorce when I get married one day..

I can't think myself alone with my 2 little children...

My reasons for divorcing are: increase in cheating, marrying early without knowing each other well and money.
The divorcing can be called ';crisis'; when the divorced woman doesn't have her own economical freedom(as the most of the women in T眉rkiye). Also Turkish laws aren't enough and traditions are unfortunately against the divorced women.

The divorcing have to be a same event like marriage. If the couple can not live together anymore they have to end.

The early marriages, fractiousness, getting bored, cheating, money problems and the parents are the main reasons for the divorces.

Best wishes neighbour...
Hi Neighbour ,

How are you (Ti kanete) ? How is my Village ? :-) Did you say, my Greetings ?

Firstly , Efheristo poli apo your writing Turkiye...

Now, about your question;

I found that report;


But Turkish, it does not matter for you. You know Turkish like me ... Right ?

If I translate it, it says increasing everyyear in Turkiye.

In 1990 = 25712

In 2004 = 88736

Rate % 245

And says main reason is incompatibility, lack of harmony, money etc ..

Xeretismata apo Istanbul ,

PS. Is there any fault in my Greek ? :-)
Well, I think there is a problem. As hanibal said, we became consumers of everything, also love and respect.
I'm single. the rates are correct? , I'm lucky ...I have'nt problem

about this crisis.

please be careful , if you are married then be happy...
Yes, but you have to remember that our world is getting worst each decade.
Although it's also getting worse in Turkey, I think the general picture is better than the rest of Europe as we have a strong traditional structure.

I believe the main reason is the economical independence of women. In old times women used to swallow their husbands bad attitudes (betrayal, even violence). But now they find a lawyer and get divorced.

What about the men? As they're feed, their clothes are washed and ironed at home, even if they find a mistress they tend to stay at home.

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