should be exclusively between a man and a women?Do you believe that marriage is a union witnessed and blessed by god?
so says the bibleDo you believe that marriage is a union witnessed and blessed by god?
Marriage is a legal union between two people, which then gives certain legal rights to those people. You can get married at a courthouse, a chapel in Vegas etc. It does not have anything to do with god. I think all people should have the same legal rights. I also support a church's right not to perform a religious ceremony if they don't feel it fits within their teachings.
Yes I believe it is witnessed by God, but that isn't the main reason I voted yes on prop 8. I voted yes because if you actually read the darn thing it keeps the rights of the priests and churches that don't believe i gay marriage from being sued. It also keeps ANY talk about marriage whether traditional or same sex out of the schools. Whether same sex marriage is ok or not is not a fact and should not be taught to children. I believe same sex relations is a sexual sin just as much a sex before marriage is. This however didn't influence my vote, my vote is based on the judicial implications of not passing the prop. Just as everyone is up in arms about the rights of gays, the rights of churches (Christian, Muslim, and Jewish all have it written in their religious books). They should not be forced to do anything they believe hurt themselves. Also prop 8 doesn't take away any domestic partnership rights for gay couples. Also with the supreme courts ruling standing the gay community is classified as a ';protected class'; which means they will have preference in court decisions that have nothing to do with them being gay.
No, but that's fine if you believe that. Marriage is a civil action in terms of the legality. What blessings you receive within your church is your business, a non-legislative matter. All consenting adults should be free to marry whomever they choose. Even convicted felons can marry, for heaven's sake. And if your church doesn't want to marry same-sex couples, that's fine. Nobody's going to force them to. This a civil matter, not a religious one.
If it is performed in a church, sure. How can you make that pronouncement about people who get married in city hall? Let the churches make their rules and the states make theirs, that's what our constitution says. If you don't like that you can always live in a place like Saudi Arabia. Why can't you people just let two people that love each other be happy together?
Marriage is seen diferantly by all relegions, In this country and as a legal issue, a marriage shoud be a partnership between 2 people, if you do not think 2 guys should be married and do not consider them married, fine, but as a legal matter they should have the same rights as any other 2 adults that hook up.
i think marriage that is recognized by the government should be between any 2 adults that want to get married. Everyone should have to get married by a state recognized court and then they can what whatever religious wedding ceremony they choose. Religion and state should be separate.
If not only between man and woman, and if it is between any two why not any 4 or 6, since the reasoning for any two is the same as the reasoning for larger numbers, but then in the affairs of the heart, logic is out the window.
no i'm not religious
and i'm not a jerk, so i support equal rights for everyone reguardless of sexual orientation. people who disagree are assholes.
I'm not a religious marriage should be the domain of the church, and I will respect their decision.
The government should only grant a legal partnership to any two adults that want it
No. It is a legal relationship sanctioned by the state, and thus should be open to any adult citizens to marry the consenting adult partner of their choice.
Yes. God ordained marriage at the beginning of the human race.
Sounds like that is a judgment for God, in other words that's above my pay grade.
Obama Biden 2008-2016
No... I think it's a spiritual union between two people committed to each other through both the good and bad times in life.
Hardly; marriage existed long before the Judeo-Christian god was even invented.
Yes I do, but I don't believe God hates gay people just because somebody wrote that he did in Leviticus.
No...You can't help who you love %26amp; God knows that!
Nah, I think everyone should have the opportunity to be equally miserable. :)
This section is elections....perhaps you best pop over to the Family %26amp; Relationships section eh?
No. It should be between any two people who love each other.
Definitely not.
IF it was a union blessed by god, how would atheist get married?
yes marriage ie blessed by god..
Yes and Yes.
Yes it should and I approve this message
god isnt real so ,no.
Yes and yes. The ';state'; never has any business issuing ';marriage licenses'; in the first place. It was all to get money, a tax on religion. Gay marriage is an oxymoron.
Felicia, so you would be okay with me marrying my sister right? We're consenting adults, we love each other...
Yes. Anything else is sexual perversion.
Yes I do.
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