Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do women have an adequate support network to help sustain a successful marriage?

It seems that today there are more and more women getting divorces or unhappy in their marriages. Relationship expert Shere Hite estimated that 97% of married women are unhappy in their marriages. So if you combine that with the 50 percent of women who marry that file for divorce, that would suggest that 99% of women are unhappy with marriage. So who can a married woman turn to for encouragement and positive support of her marriage? Are the only happily married women the ones who have been married for less than a few years?Do women have an adequate support network to help sustain a successful marriage?
Okay, 50% of marriage end in divorce, but some have been married multiple times, so that affects the figures, so it's not 50% of women.

Over 85% of divorces involve couples whose first marriages, and/or living together, started prior to age 24. Females are the anchor of a good marriage or relationship, but they don't reach full maturity until that age. It makes them better prepared and tolerant of the males, who don't reach full emotional, hormonal, and physical maturity until age 30. Yes guys, your pecker can still grow longer until than.

I have 20 years, as of March, of working with divorced and single fathers to back that up. And, I do not profit from any of my writings about it.

Unhappiness is interpretive, and I cannot say what data gathering method she used.

If you want to speak on happiness, in 1994, Cosmopolitan Magazine (6+ million female subscribers) did a survey of their readers on what would make them happy. Among the questions was if they got a divorce, would they be happier with or without custody of their children? Over 60% responded they would be happier without custody, but followup interviews on a sampling of answers showed an overall fear of the reactions of friends and relatives for making that choice.

The vast majority of divorces result, not from unhappiness specifically, but from one primary theme. Lack of emotional, hormonal, and biological maturity at the time a couple first enters into a relationship. Evidence is very clear in the defining boundary. Age 24 has a far greater affect on whether a marriage will last than any other factor. The resulting affects of the breakdown of the first marriage or relationship than has a lasting affect on all future relationships.

But, because young men cannot keep their pecker in their pants, and young women cannot keep their legs together, until they are emotionally ready for such activity, there will still be an ever increasing number of breakups, divorces, and lost children.

Children are being raised by mothers, who were taught by mothers, that fathers don't count for anything except a child support check. And of course disenfranchised fathers, who were taught the same thing by their mothers, under Hillary Clinton's ';A Village Raises a Child';. Not an intact family.

Until we make young folks believe that waiting until their bodies and minds are ready for sexual activity, this will not change.Do women have an adequate support network to help sustain a successful marriage?
A married woman turns to her friends for support of her marriage. Even the most bitter and cynical woman is always supportive of her friend's union. I doubt that 99% of women are unhappy with marriage, the problem with statistics is they are really only estimations. No one asked every married woman if she was happy or not, even if you did you couldn't account for the women who would be dishonest even though researchers try to do so it is not necessarily accurate.
I fall into the 97% bracket. I was in an abusive relationship. I finally had to walk out to convey the msg that my life as a punching bag was over. It was not easy me. I had many emotional milestones to cross on my be both a father and a mother for my son.No words can describe the turmoil and the lonliness. I trusted in my own will power and inner strength...and here I am today!!!
Why do you only state women??

Isn't marriage. A man and a woman??

There are just as many unhappy men as well.

Both need out side support. When doing something as hard as a divorce.

Your numbers. Do not make since. 97 % and 99 %. I think not.

Where did you get that from.

You must only be looking at the anti guy site. Look at the real world.

You did not do your home work.
Ya! women have an adequate support network to help sustain a successful marriage. But the men also. For running a successful married life first u both have to understand each other 's feelings and emotion and support each other at every step of life.
Haha your math is outstanding.

If ';99%'; of women are unhappy with marriage, then why the hell do they keep wanting to get married so badly?- this seems a very simple point

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