Friday, July 30, 2010


If you are married and have a child but cant stand each other any mre do you think that you should stay living with them just because of the child sake or should you make it easier and just leave?Marriage???
go to counseling first and you need to think about the child too how it is or how it will effect him/her.Marriage???
something hppend which is not ofcourse good for your childeren but i think when ever you stop a mistake it is good beside that i think they cannot have goood life in such a house.but before doing anything think more maybe there will be a way.
make an arrangement with my husband..

you see, you were married to a certain person because you love him and you respect him. but if those things are gone, there is no reason to stay in a relationship.

let not the child be the reason for staying in the knot, the more you stay together without love and respect with other, the more the child will suffer.

even if you will not argue infront of the kids, they will somehow be affected.. kids has strong intimacy..

they can read their parents mind and they can feel their parents emotion.
A child had rather come from a broken home, than to live in one. Your child will be just fine. All they want is for you both to be happy, and if you stay together and argue all the time, your child is going to be unhappy. A child is not a reason to stay with someone whom your feelings have changed for. Good luck. If I hear one more person say counseling I'm gonna puke. sorry
I don't think you should live in misery, nor should you just leave. Divorce happens. But I think too many people take the easy way out. Marriage is difficult because you're living with another person, day in and day out, who is changing as the years go on. You, too. So it takes patience and hard work to keep a marriage strong.

If a couple, even after trying their best to work it out, can''s not worth it for the kids. If the children see unhappy people barely standing each other, it hurts them emotionally and will make relationships difficult later in life.
I never understood people who say they are together for the sake of the child....It is so much better to live their lives and be happy then stay in an unhappy marriage...Children are so intuitive and innocent....they feel the tension no matter how hard an adult tries to make it unnoticeable......It is impossible for two people that no longer want to be together to not argue or feel some level of frustration or bitterness over the demise of their marriage....children will pick up on this....It is far better to think of themselves and creating a life of happiness which will surely have a more positive impact on the child...
Depends are you fighting in front of the child and making their life miserable. Are you unable to put a show on as a happy family for the kid. Then its best to get out . Sometimes its more beneficial to the children than seeing mom and dad fighting.
Being misserable for the sake of the kids won't work. The kids still know you hate each other. You can try some marriage counseling but if that doesn't work, split.
Just leave. The child isn't getting anything from two parents who hate each other and yell and fight. The child would be better off with divorced parents who are nice to each other at scheduled meeting times.
U can not stay with sum one just because of a child they can feel when things are wrong its better they see the parents apart but happy then together and fighting and unhappy
since there is a child, trust me there will always be fighting even if you leave. try your hardest to get along. The Children become weapons for the other spouse to use against you. Get custody and get him out.
Have you exhausted all avenues, meaning counseling? If so and the two of you are still not happy then do what you feel is best. but keep in mind that marriage is hard on everyone and it takes a lot of time and energy to keep it on the right track. So many people are ready to give up on their marriage but they fight every day for their jobs. You and your husband are obviously experiencing some difficulty but the question is why? Is he as miserable as you? Have you had a conversation about what the two of you are going through? Talk to each other and keep the lines of communication open and if after you have exhausted all avenues and nothing has changed then do not stay together for the child it will only her the child to see his parents in a loveless relationship, after all do you want your child to be in the same relationship that you are experiencing? Just keep in mind that if the two of you decide to separate do not use the child as a weapon to get at each other life is tough enough for kids with out using them to hurt the other. I truly wish you and your family the best of luck during this trying time.
dont be silly u might think the kids dont hear the fights or notice the tension between the two but they do beileve me

its better for the kids to go ur seperate ways
Stay Living with Kids.
What the other person said. It doesn't do any good to raise a child in an environment of hate and anger-and yes they can tell. If you can keep a good relationship going with your ex that would be terrific. Then the child has a good solid home life and the visiting parent's times are good ones too, much better than seeing two people who are supposed to love each other screaming or simply tolerating each other. Chat it over with your partner come to a reasonable conclusion and part friends.

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