Friday, July 30, 2010


well i have been with my boyfriend for six almost seven months and he says he wants to get married. We've known eachother for about three or four years and ever since i have known him i didn't ever see him that serious with anyone. Do you think we should get married?Marriage?????
Marriage is basically a union of the hearts. And a celebration of mutual understanding. Marriage adds on 2 more dimension to your present relationship of one bf/gf. What are they ? 1. Being a spouse, a husband , a wife ? How do the two of you define that role. What is a wife ? What is a husband ? 2. Fatherhood and motherhood. How do you see your man as a father for your child, not only as a baby but right to teenage and beyond. How you see yourself as a mother ? How he see you as a mother of his child ? .....Marriage is a union for procreation not just a graduation ceremony of courtship. To survive the relationship must have mutual understanding, kindred tastes, motivations and aspirations. Not sure ? Get involved in activities that you guys have not experienced together. Get engaged first maybe. Test the relationship in myriad events and activities. Discover the latent potential. And if it survive that and the love grows stronger out of it. ...GO for it ! You found yourself a soul mate.Marriage?????
How old are you? Do you love him?
Go for it!!! He evidentally loves you and it's not like you just met him - you have known him for years!!
I think that you should wait a little bit more, maybe until its a year and then get engaged, and then maybe another 6 months later you can get married, don't rush!
baby girl, did you see his ugly personality side? everybody has one. are you both financially stable? are you both adults? do you have clear future with him? will this alter my career goal? will you be able to live with him for the rest of your life? baby girl, see, only you can answer this serious questions. once you had analyze it carefully, you'll see your answers bright as day.
If you even have to post this on Yahoo Answers then you probably shouldn't get married....from experience, if you have any doubts don't do it, take your time, you don't have to rush it, you may feel more comfortable with it on down the road....Good Luck!!!
He sounds fine. But everything's a gamble.
only if you know that you love him
Marriage is a huge step in a relationship and if you love him and you can be yourself with him and he the same with you then maybe marriage is right it all depends I was in a marriage for 15 years and I stayed for my children and not for love but after I got a divorce I found a man who makes me happy. Don't take it lightly it is hard to get out of a marriage without hassle.
That's your decision and only you would know the answer to that question. What does your gut feeling say and what or are there any other leading factors that say wait on this call.
Nobody should answer that but yourself, if you feel emotionally and mentally prepared for marriage and he seems like the ';one'; then so it but if you don't do not hurt yourself and him!!!
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